We try and organise these mostly on the email list, which you can subscribe to here:
The discord is a very fleeting space and there’s lots of people who don’t come here very often. You can access the chatrooms for each project using the #signup-sheet channel, but if you are looking to get something that’s been dormant a while off the ground it’s prob best to start with the email list.
Currently, we don’t have much energy so we really need people who want to pick up projects and run with them.
You can see everything we have on the go at Geeks for Social Change Community
To see if there’s energy, make a request in #offers-requests
If you want to kick it off properly, we can make you a channel. Ask in #projects-general and a mod will help you out.
The GFSC studio is happy to help support projects if you want it! We’re also happy for this just to be a starting place for your idea and then take it elsewhere. Up to you! A big first step we can be part of or coach you through is applying for funding to build your ideas.
The GFSC discord is doing three main things: