GFSC Hosted Services

Costs of the Collective

Would this work happen if the studio wasn’t donating staff time so people were paid to do this work? Probably not

All of this work could be run and funded by the collective as an autonomous organisation, but that is a long way away in terms of time and money

In-group trusted labour is a positive, jobs are positive. If we can get funding for a role, we should

Autonomy and equity are build through practice and are hard to come to without an active engagement. Giving the Collective space to figure that out is as much the work as producing a hosted service.

Collective and Studio are emergent requirements of the base need

Sometimes things are just fallow for a while, then a response/intervention is needed and having the correct environment to rapidly facilitate that is important. Knowing where the skills are and who has or can make capacity when it matters.

To make: survey which explicitly asks the questions raised in the collective meeting/this document/Kim’s brain dump.

Collective Survey


Possible structural analogy