GFSC Volunteer Agreement

What is volunteering?

The National Council of Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) states that:

Volunteering is when someone spends unpaid time doing something to benefit others. Volunteers give time, carrying out activities that aim to benefit community or society. Volunteers are unpaid and choose how they wish to give their time.

We are delighted that you have chosen to offer some of your free time to Geeks for Social Change Ltd (GFSC) and we look forward to getting to know you.

We believe that the volunteer relationship is built on trust and mutual understanding, and we have put together this agreement to set out our expectations for volunteers at GFSC, and what we offer to you in return.

As a volunteer you will not be paid for any of the work you do with GFSC and you will not be entitled to any paid time off or any other benefits that apply to our paid staff.

About Geeks for Social Change (GFSC)

Geeks for Social Change works to unite technology, activism and research to work towards a fairer society. As a studio there are a number of themes and causes which are particularly close to our hearts. Some of the themes we focus on include: anti-racism, disability activism, digital autonomy, environment, local history, trans liberation and mutual aid.

Our focus is on helping each other to create socially impactful and useful tools for a better society. We work collaboratively and encourage voluntary contributions because we know we can achieve more collectively than we can individually, and we recognise that there is no funding source to support many worthy projects.

What is a GFSC volunteer?

Definition of a Volunteer

A volunteer is any individual who undertakes unpaid activities on behalf of Geeks for Social Change of their own free choice.

Volunteers may be involved in short or long-term activities.

Roles and Responsibilities

Volunteers are asked to sign an agreement which sets out our expectations of volunteers, and what we offer in return.

Volunteers are supported and supervised by a designated member of staff. The designated staff member will provide guidance, support and supervision to the volunteer to ensure that the volunteering experience is a positive and rewarding one.

The volunteer role is based on trust and mutual understanding. There is no contractual obligation for the volunteer to undertake particular tasks. However, there is a presumption of mutual support and reliability and a reciprocal set of expectations:

Volunteers are expected to:

  • abide by the GFSC Community Principles and Code of Conduct
  • work with us to mutually agree on the scope of work items to carry out
  • meet agreed commitments and give reasonable notice when you’re not available so that alternative arrangements can be made
  • keep information that is shared with you in the course of your volunteering confidential, unless it is already in the public domain
  • be mindful of our working ethos and adhere to the policies and procedures that apply to volunteers, including our data protection policy (as below)
  • let us know if you’re no longer able to do the work agreed. It’s totally fine if you need to stop working with us but please let us know!

In return, you can expect:

  • to have clear information about what is and is not expected of you
  • to receive an induction to explain our work and your volunteering role
  • to have a named person in GFSC who will meet with you regularly to discuss your volunteering and support you to resolve any problems you encounter
  • to be treated with respect
  • to receive reimbursement for any reasonable expenses incurred while volunteering with us (where such expenses have been agreed in advance)
  • to have your work recognised and appreciated
  • to know what to do if something goes wrong.

Volunteer Recruitment Process

  • Where we advertise for specific volunteer roles, a role description will be provided. Applicants will be offered an informal chat to discuss the role.
  • We are also open to suggestions for new projects - potential volunteers are welcome to contact us with their ideas and we will arrange an informal chat to discuss their suggestions.
  • Volunteers will be selected broadly to match their skills, motivation and availability with the requirements of GFSC.
  • Volunteers will be provided with a volunteer agreement and a copy of the Volunteer Information Pack.
  • Potential volunteers will be asked to share identification to confirm their identity and address.
  • We do not specifically undertake work with adults at risk or children or young people. Should this ever be the case that a volunteer role involves carrying out activities with adults at risk or children, volunteers will undergo a DBS check and will undertake safeguarding training.
  • If we feel that the applicant does not broadly match GFSC’s needs at any stage of the recruitment process then the volunteer will have the opportunity to discuss why they have not been selected.

Induction and Training

  • Volunteers will be given an introduction to the policies and procedures covered in the Volunteer Information Pack.
  • Any training necessary to the role will be offered to volunteers.

Supervision and Support

  • We recognise the importance of supporting volunteers so that they feel valued, motivated and able to develop in their role.
  • All volunteers will have a named supervisor who will support them and who they can go to with any questions or queries.
  • All volunteers will have regular check-in meetings to discuss their role, any training needs and future plans.
  • Supervisors will give the volunteer feedback and discuss any issues.
  • GFSC reserves the right not to use materials produced by volunteers if we feel that they do not meet the required standards. If this is the case, we will discuss this with you.

Complaints and HR processes


  • We do not routinely pay expenses to volunteers.
  • In exceptional circumstances we may be able to reimburse pre-authorised expenses, following NCVO’s guidance.


  • All volunteers are covered by our Employee Liability Insurance whilst acting on behalf of GFSC.

Equality and Diversity

  • We are committed to the principle of equality of opportunity for all volunteers regardless of age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, race or ethnicity, religion or belief, gender identity, or marriage and civil partnership.
  • We will make adjustments, wherever possible and within our financial resources, to enable full participation.

Complaints raised by a volunteer

  • All complaints will be treated confidentially.
  • If a volunteer has a complaint that they wish to raise, they should speak to their supervisor to raise the issue formally. If the complaint relates directly to the supervising member of staff or the volunteer feels unable to discuss this with them, the matter should be raised with another member of GFSC staff.
  • A meeting will be held between the volunteer and the volunteer’s supervisor or the selected staff member. Notes will be taken of the meeting and a course of action will be agreed.
  • A volunteer who makes a complaint has the right to be accompanied or represented by an appropriate person of their choice.
  • In the event the issue remains unresolved, the matter will be referred to the director, Dr Kim Foale, whose decision will be final.

Complaints about a volunteer

  • Each stage of this procedure will be treated confidentially and only discussed with those immediately concerned.
  • If there is a complaint about a volunteer, the volunteer’s supervisor will investigate. The volunteer’s supervisor will discuss the complaint with the volunteer and try to resolve it informally.
  • If the issue cannot be resolved informally, a formal meeting will be held between the volunteer and thor supervisor or another member of staff. Notes will be taken of the meeting and a course of action will be agreed to resolve the situation.
  • In the event the issue remains unresolved, the matter will be referred to the director, Dr Kim Foale, whose decision will be final.
  • If a serious complaint is made about a volunteer, for example abusive or threatening behaviour or a safeguarding concern, the volunteer will be suspended from their role immediately pending further investigation.

Data Protection

While volunteering with us you may have access to confidential information, including the personal data of our clients and the people who work with us. Everyone who works for, or on behalf of, Geeks for Social Change, including volunteers, has responsibility for ensuring data is collected, stored and handled appropriately in line with data protection regulations and our policies and procedures. In particular:

  • You should only access personal data if you are authorised to do so and you specifically need it for the activities you are carrying out with GFSC.
  • You should not make copies of any confidential information or personal data that you encounter in your activities with us.
  • You should keep personal data secure and not share it with unauthorised people.
  • You should take steps to ensure that any data held on your computer or laptop or any other device used is not accessible to anyone else.

Details of how we treat your personal data are covered in our Data Protection Policy and Volunteer Privacy Notice.

How to get started

In order to register as a GFSC Volunteer, please fill in this form:

Geeks for Social Change Volunteer Registration